Friday 29 August 2014

Balance in Life

'Canny Contemplations'.  My new blog.

Alliteration is great in a title - or elsewhere - so long as it's not over-used. Why? Because it sounds nice? There's a nice rhythmic quality about using the same letter at the start of associated words: as in the phrase 'worldly wise', for example. Newspaper editors love it, or course, but they take it to such extremes it becomes painful. But what is the quality of alliteration which makes us like it - in small doses? And why don't we like large doses? I think it's a sense of balance and originality (respectively). We humans like things to be balanced: to sound 'right'... but we soon tire!

Take music, for example. We have an inherent and finely-tuned sense of whether a note is tuneful or not: whether it sounds' right'. If it's not, is sounds 'wrong'. Discords are so painful to our senses they often invoke a physical wince. Clearly there is something deep within us that is in empathy with the balance of creation. And we like tuneful musical phrases to be repeated... for a while, until that gets boring.

There is a great synergy in all of creation, and one of my great interests in life has been observing and thinking about that. I am currently involved in a long project which doesn't use enough of my creative juices, hence the need for this new blog. A writer must write, you see, and writing is always creative - or should be. So this blog will enable me to contemplate on what makes us humans tick and to ruminate on the big questions of life. Trust me on that.

I believe there is a creative force - or 'mind' - behind our creation: what many of us prefer to call 'God'. Maybe you don't believe in a God, but these writings should also be of interest because I want to push boundaries, just I have done in some of my books. And I will not veer away from the tricky questions, such as how we can contemplate a 'loving' God in a world that is becoming increasingly violent. I hope to show you the logical arguments which allow for a loving Creator and a world of right and wrong: good and evil. And a blog will allow me to tackle anything that comes to mind. Sometimes a topic might link to one of my other writings but, as often as not, it will be original. I hope this will also make it interesting and entertaining.

I intend to look at all the mysteries of life from a Christian perspective: but with a pragmatic eye on logic and science. I believe the Bible was inspired, for example, but I also believe a work written for the understanding of people two-thousand years ago can also provide us hidden insight with modern knowledge. There are many fascinating aspects along these lines I look forward to tackling.

I do not post very often to my 'Author Blog' because I hone most of my daily comments down to 140-character tweets on Twitter: good précis practice. But I intent to post to 'Canny Contemplations' much more regularly, because it reflects my contemplative mind: a very busy mind! So, please won't you join me by following my musings and meditations... in 'Canny Contemplations'? And if you like them, please become a true 'follower'... and tell others who might like to have their minds stretched.

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